Saturday, July 27, 2024

For Alumni

Alumni-university of isfahan

We support and provide ways for our alumni and friends to get involved in the life of the University of Isfahan. We also work to ensure that every member of our global community can access our high-quality services and facilities.
Our programme of events brings our alumni together to celebrate, debate and collaborate, while our international network of students allows alumni to reconnect and find new friends in their region.

University of Isfahan Alumni Network

Upon graduation, you automatically become an alumnus of University of Isfahan and a member of our alumni community, joining members in over 12 countries.
Being part of our alumni community provides a wide range of benefits. Whether you are interested in taking part in our global events, meeting other graduates in your academic or professional field, or just staying in touch with us, we help you build a lifelong relationship with the University of Isfahan and each other.

Did you study at one of the Khansar or Shahreza campuses of the University of Isfahan?

If you studied at one of the campuses of Khansar or Shahreza, you will be a member of their alumni network. You can find detailed information about membership and benefits for alumni of your institution on their website.
If you studied at a campus that has merged or left the University of Isfahan, please contact us and we can help.

Professional development opportunities

The University offers alumni a wide range of discounted online courses. These courses give you the chance to study from home and work towards a new career path, or boost your career learning and continuing professional development.


80.6 %
of the graduates of University of Isfahan have been attracted to the labour market

Alumni access to the university e-mailing system

University of Isfahan provides the postgraduate alumni with access to its e-mailing system for one year after they have been graduated. This service is provided upon the request of the alumnus’s supervisor.


Isfahan University
Address: Isfahan, Azadi square, University of Isfahan         Postal Code: 8174673441
E-mail: |
Headquarters: +98-313-7932003-7
Fax: +98-313-6687396
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