Saturday, February 22, 2025

Research Centers and Centers of Excellence

Research Centers and Centers of Excellence

Research Centers:

Research Center for Processing and Intelligent Systems

The Research Center for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Research Center for Natural and Bio-Pharmaceutical Products

Research Center for Communication Technology

Polymer Technology Research Group

Research Center for Process Engineering

Research Center for Processing and Intelligent Systems

The Research Center for Processing and Intelligent Systems was established to address some of the country’s research needs in modern technologies related to image, sound, and analog and digital signal processing, as well as the design of analog and digital systems and the implementation of intelligent systems. With the approval of the Higher Education Expansion Council, it was launched as a learning, knowledge-based, dynamic organization with a product-oriented structure to solve industry and research organization problems. This research center engages in research, planning, localization, enhancement, implementation, supervision, and development of modern technologies, attracting, training, and retaining elite and specialized human resources. It aims to enhance global competitiveness in signal processing, digital system design, and intelligent systems in the country.

The center manages, supervises, and conducts activities related to processing and intelligent systems nationwide, creating a suitable environment for research projects at universities. It collaborates with universities, research institutes, and research centers. The center is proud to work with specialists, researchers, and several faculty members in telecommunications, electrical and electronics, power, computer, biomedical engineering, and other related sciences.

The Research Center for Processing and Intelligent Systems, consists of four research groups:

Applied Image and Signal Processing

Control and Automation

Sensors and Interfaces


Research Center for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Today, the role of human factors in life, especially in work environments worldwide, is more scrutinized and examined than ever before. All human advancements are achieved through the efforts of healthy, capable, and satisfied individuals. Psychologists and other human science specialists conduct scientific studies in various fields to enhance human efficiency and effectiveness in different aspects of work and life using the latest scientific techniques.

Enhancing personnel communications, productivity, high human values, customer and consumer relations, and consumption patterns of goods and services, selection and recruitment, personnel training, performance evaluation, examining physical issues related to personnel performance, reducing human errors, human dignity issues, psychometrics and test development (measuring various psychological factors affecting individuals’ lives), and examining the role of computers in work and life environments are among the practical areas of industrial and organizational psychology.

The Research Center for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

It includes three research groups:

Employment Tests and Psychometrics in Organizations

Organizational Cognition and Development

Organizational Consulting and Human Resource Management

Given the importance of psychological issues in guiding and improving the quality of human work life, the Research Center for Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Isfahan, with its three research groups, aims to understand and examine psychological issues in work environments to provide the best workspaces and conditions for employees in organizations and industries.

Overall Mission of the Center: To understand and optimally utilize human talents and capabilities to improve the quality of work life.

Long-term 5-year Goals: Research and study in:

Optimal use of talents and existing resources in industrial and organizational psychology to address human problems.

Understanding, organizing, and directing motivation in work environments.

Mental health and improving the quality of work life.

Enhancing personnel communications, productivity, and high human values.

The role and adaptation to technological manifestations (computers, automated devices, etc.) in work environments.

Engineering psychology and psychological aspects in industrial design.

Short-term 2-year Goals: Research and study in:

Identifying human resource problems and barriers and proposing organizational interventions to industries and organizations to improve quantitative and qualitative performance in work environments.

Reducing human errors and increasing safety in work environments.

Improving consumption patterns of goods and services.

Selection and recruitment, personnel training, performance evaluation.

Examining Physical Issues Related to Personnel Performance

Psychometrics and Test Development (Measuring Various Psychological Factors Affecting Performance)

Research Groups of the Center:

Employment Tests and Psychometrics in Organizations Group

Organizational Cognition and Development Group

Organizational Consulting and Human Resource Management Group

Research Center for Natural and Bio-Pharmaceutical Products

1-1: This center has aimed to become a scientific and research center endowed with beneficial knowledge, striving to reach the frontiers of knowledge, leading in achieving a society with comprehensive health, self-sufficiency, and reliance on a knowledge-based economy. It deeply believes in religious and cultural foundations and the immense national capabilities, especially the God-given natural resources and the creative, diligent, and capable human resources of the country.

2-1: It aims to create a suitable environment for collaboration and synergy among interested researchers, especially faculty members and students, in the field of identifying, extracting, and utilizing natural products and achieving new products inspired by nature, using the latest scientific findings creatively and wisely.

3-1: Goals

To make a worthy contribution to the realization of national documents in the field of science and technology, especially the comprehensive scientific map of the country, biotechnology documents, medicinal plants, etc.

To achieve a desirable position for the university in:

Research and education related to the production of biological products needed by the country.

Finding and applying biotechnological methods in the production of vaccines and other products effective in disease prevention.

Establishing molecular methods in the diagnosis, control, and treatment of diseases.

Developing technical knowledge to offer effective and safe forms of natural medicines.

Registering and producing new pharmaceutical products.

4-1: Missions

To identify and recognize capable and potential research forces.

To conduct fundamental, applied, and developmental research projects.

To provide necessary facilities in line with related research programs and projects.

To take necessary actions to apply the research results obtained.

To provide scientific and technical consulting services.

To establish coordinated communication with specialists, institutions, and scientific and research communities domestically and internationally within the framework of regulations.

To disseminate the latest research results and scientific advancements and utilize them in research activities.

To create a wealth production platform for one or more biological products.

To find and apply biotechnological methods in the production of vaccines and other products effective in prevention.

To conduct quality control studies of domestically and internationally produced biological products to international standards.

To identify, produce, and apply new biotechnological methods in the production of effective treatment products.

To present and apply new methods in the production of biological products.

To introduce new pharmaceutical compounds to the pharmaceutical industry.

To observe research ethics and applied ethics in all stages of activity.

5-1: Current Research Groups of the Center:

Biological Products Research Group

Natural and Pharmaceutical Products Research Group

Plant Biotechnology Research Group

Probiotics and Fermented Products Research Group

Educational Omics Research Group

Research Center for Communication Technology

Research Groups:

Communication Systems and Information Security Research Group

Remote Sensing Research Group

Spatial Information Infrastructure and Land Management Research Group

Goals: To expand, advance, and enhance science and develop quantitatively and qualitatively specialized forces and improve research affairs in the field of communication and information technology; various radar systems; remote sensing and identifying existing bottlenecks.

Strategic Programs:

1. Planning to develop and create new technologies regarding secure information and communication systems.

2. Studying, researching, designing, and optimizing systems and databases considering new technology and regional and national needs.

3. Studying, researching, designing, constructing, and optimizing secure communication systems to protect data and develop common criteria for evaluating these systems.

4. Producing and developing necessary software related to information systems and ensuring their security.

5. Conducting applied remote sensing projects in various fields such as mapping, geology, oceanography and hydrography, atmospheric sciences, agriculture, and geographic information systems.

6. Introducing a regional remote sensing research center considering the lack of such a center in Isfahan province and neighboring provinces.

7. Conducting research on various radar systems, including tracking radars, surface search radars, airport radars, and weather radars, and localizing this technology.

8. Establishing effective communication with industries and organizations to diagnose and understand their needs related to the aforementioned topics.

9. Conducting interdisciplinary research using existing potentials.

10. Training specialists in the above fields alongside carrying out projects to meet the country’s needs.

Some of the study projects:

Designing and implementing a property and urban pathways system based on GIS.

Diagnosing issues in software projects related to information technology in Isfahan Municipality.

Feasibility study, research, design, and implementation of a comprehensive multi-purpose network plan for Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries Company (HESA).

Implementing data steganography in VOIP using LACK and LSB algorithms.

Conducting operations to prepare 3D digital maps for the ASSET software.

Providing geoid height calculation software.

Determining the satellite position of specified points.

Providing a model for determining climatic characteristics and meteorological studies in the Persian Gulf and its coasts.

Preparing digital maps of the city of Semirom.

Polymer Technology Research Group:

The Polymer Technology Research Group was established in 2017 with the definitive approval of the Ministry of Science, aiming to develop and enhance the status of polymer science and technology in the country and to assist the polymer industry. The group members are faculty members of the University of Isfahan and specialists in various polymer fields such as adhesives and polymer resins, paints and coatings, polyolefins, polymer sensors, and polymer processing. This group benefits from various unique laboratory facilities and equipment for the construction, identification, and processing of polymers. The group is ready to collaborate with industries in the fields of technical knowledge for manufacturing diverse polymer products, conducting tests, and providing consultancy in the polymer industry.

Isfahan University

International Scientific
Cooperation Office

University of Isfahan
University St., Isfahan
81746-73441, Iran
Tel: +98 313 793 2039-40
Fax: +98 313 668 2910
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